Via Hypnosis NY
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Services provided by Priscilla Keresey are not intended to take the place of professional counseling or medical or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Priscilla Keresey’s instructions and the information provided are, and are intended to be, educational in nature, providing information, instruction, support, and encouragement.

Priscilla Keresey is a certified hypnotist. Priscilla Keresey is not a licensed
physician or licensed mental health professional or psychologist. Priscilla Keresey does not hold herself out to provide any form of health care or psychotherapy.

The services Priscilla Keresey renders are held out to the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis.

Priscilla Keresey does not represent her services as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the contrary, by law she may make no health benefit claims for her services.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

If you are under medical or psychological care, obtain a signed, written referral from your provider(s).

Individual results may vary.

Hypnosis is a complementary tool, and should never be used in place of qualified medical advice. Never start or stop any medication, therapy or treatment simply because you are trying hypnosis.


Via Hypnosis NY

vha logo © 2015 Via Healing Arts, LLC & Priscilla A. Keresey

Eliminate the Anxious Mindset Via Hypnosis • Free Consultations
914-672-9741 •