How is a Hypnotist Qualified?
Many hypnotists are licensed mental health care workers, such as social workers, counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists. Physicians are required by the American Medical Association to take more than 100 hours of hypnosis courses in order to complete their training.
If you choose a hypnotist who is not licensed and many successful professionals are not you may want to determine whether he or she is certified in the state in which you live. There are many schools, institutes and centers which offer hypnotherapy training programs, and many well-known teachers and trainers who have been in the field for years. Whats most important is how many hours of training were completed; look for 100+. Your hypnotpist should be willing to show you documentation and should be able to tell you how many hours of study were required in order to procure certification. You may see the title C.H. (clinical hypnotist) following the name.
In the state of New York, a certified but non-licensed professional may not call him- or herself a hypnotherapist, because of state legislation that went into effect in 2005. A hypnotherapist who is not a state licensed mental health care worker (such as those listed in the first paragraph) must be called a hypnotist; that is, only a person who is licensed as such by the state may include in their title the word therapist. This law is also in effect in New Jersey.
What Questions Should I Ask?
Unless you have a very strong personal referral from someone you trust, I recommend interviewing a potential hypnotist on the phone. Most hypnotists are quite open to this idea, as it gives them a chance to answer your questions about the process and gives them an idea about your readiness and motivation.
Are you a certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist?
How many hours of training were required for your certification?
How long have you been practicing?
Are you a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists?
How many sessions can I expect to have in order to overcome my particular challenge?
What sorts of challenges do most of your clients come in for? or Do you have a specialty?
What is your success rate?
What will it cost? and Is this the entire cost of my treatment or the cost of one session?
What To Expect From A Hypnotist
Your hypnotist will probably have you fill out some sort of intake form to learn about your background and the challenges youre facing.
Not all hypnotists promise immediate relief in one session. For some problems one session is all it takes; other, deep-seated issues can take anywhere from 3 10 sessions. Make sure you ask your hypnotist how long he or she expects to see you, and make sure you get a solid estimate for the cost up front. Because hypnosis requires a willingness to trust and let go, most hypnotists charge a flat rate as opposed to an hourly rate. Its hard to convince a client to relax and when theyre mentally ticking away the seconds and wondering how long theyve been in trance! If your hypnotist says youll need a certain number of sessions, make sure you get a quote for the whole series.
A good hypnotist will also teach you self-hypnosis, and should encourage you to practice so you can learn to make future changes on your own. There is no reason to continue to return week after week after week. Hypnosis is unlike traditional therapy: you should be able to get to the root of your challenge and correct it within a certain amount of sessions.
Many hypnotists also leave their clients with a recording of a session to listen to for about 3 weeks. While many challenges are eradicated within 1 3 sessions, most hypnotists like to reinforce suggestions.
A hypnotist should never make you feel as though you failed if for some reason you did not experience a hypnotic trance. Hypnosis requires trust and willingness to let someone guide you through the therapeutic process; he or she should always and only be supportive of your process.
Most of all, your hypnotist should want you to succeed as badly as you want to! Use your intuition and trust your instincts: if a person does not feel right to you, move on.
You can change your life with the power of your own subconscious mind. There are five components necessary to induce hypnosis:
- Motivation
You must want to be hypnotized and make changes in your life. Remember, hypnosis cannot be projected onto you by someone. Its an agreement between you and your hypnotherapist to work toward your goals.
- Relaxation
You must allow yourself to become relaxed; that means you must be willing to let go. Under hypnosis you never lose control, you just gain more control over your life!
- Concentration
Under hypnosis all external distractions are tuned out and your ability to concentrate is heightened.
- Imagination
You must be willing to use your imagination freely and visualize the outcome you desire.
- Suggestion
Under hypnosis your subconscious mind is highly suggestible and you are able to replace negative behaviors or self-talk by suggesting new, positive alternatives.
A person with a commitment to making a change is the ideal candidate for hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a complementary tool, and should never be used in place of qualified medical advice. Never start or stop any medication, therapy or treatment simply because you are trying hypnosis. Read this important DISCLAIMER.
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